INTRODUCTION Waste management is a global challenge, and Ghana is no exception. Rapid urbanization, population growth, and changing consumption patterns have contributed to an increase in waste generation, putting a strain on existing waste management infrastructure. Inadequate waste management practices have resulted in environmental degradation, health hazards, and economic losses. This write-up aims to evaluate the current…

Political Vigilantism and Human Security in Kumasi Metropolis

This research was conducted by Osei Godfred Amankwah, a security and development analyst ABSTRACT The democratic dispensation of Ghana is fraught with spates of violent acts perpetrated by political vigilante groups which pose threats to human security of residents. Consequently, this study uses a qualitative approach to explore political vigilantism and its effects on human security in…
Music, daughter, and mother

Rhythm in the Chaos: An Ode to Mom

I've always found myself attracted to music with a semblance of chaos yet which somehow pulls together into unity. Jazz is a prime example. A college professor of mine loved Coltrane for the boundaries he pushed in what holds a song together besides just notes. As much as I like jazz, I'm very cosmopolitan in my music…
Traditional architecture buildings in northern Ghana

3D Printing and Ghana Architecture: A Match Made in Heaven

3D printing is one of the most versatile emerging technologies. Virtual reality is very entertaining, and home assistant technology has the potential to aid those with disabilities, but 3D printing is simply a medium of creation, not an end product, which leaves its uses as wide open as the human imagination. And it leaves you with a…
Kid using a tablet for visual programming

Education Technology: Bringing classrooms to children right in their bedrooms

The practice that started several decades ago with postcards exchange between a professor and students has metamorphosed into e-learning or distance education. According to Britannica, "distance education, e-learning, and online learning is a form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of technologies to facilitate…
Hiking in Vietnam

Hiking in the Midst of Thanksgiving: Healthy living is crucial

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States. During this holiday, schools and businesses temporarily close to enable people to go home to celebrate with their friends and families. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year. While in Ghana, I observed Thanksgiving Day by watching international channels including CNN, BBC, and DW…
Facebook changes its name Meta

Will Facebook’s New Name Help it to Become Something More?

Hate or love it, Facebook is one of the greatest inventions of our time. Indeed, it's the platform where you get to connect with your family, friends, schoolmates, and to some larger extent, your foes. Beyond connecting families and friends, Facebook has become a market platform where buyers and sellers interact frequently. With roughly 2.80 billion monthly…
Students celebrating after they graduated from their program

Graduate Programs that You Don’t Need GRE Scores

Following the publication of the first and second articles about my study abroad experience, I've received feedback including queries about universities and graduate programs that can offer admission and at the same time award graduate assistantships without you needing to provide GRE scores and English Proficiency Test. This article is written in response to those queries. I've…
How to write a brief statement of purpose or interest

How to write a brief statement of purpose or interest

The graduate selecting committees are not interested in jargon and generic statements of interest anymore. However, they are much interested in the statement of purpose that speaks to your ability to excel at the graduate program. By statement of purpose, I mean an essay that describes your ability, capacity, skills, experience, and public service interest and how…